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Secur Accounting

11 Procedures for Data Security

At Secur Accounting, we understand your concern about leaking personal data when working with outsourced services
Our 11 Procedures for Data Security commits that clients’ information is 100% protected under professionally
trained employees and a cloud data security program.

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Our 11 Procedures for Data Security

As Secur’s client, you will be guided by our team of CFPs, who have qualified for an accounting test and are subject to
fiduciary solid and ethical requirements to support financial planning for clients in the long term.

How Secur Accounting Prevent Data Breach?

Secur consistently implement best practices to deal with these cases. Immediately, we notify our IT departments or cyber security insurance to determine whether they have coverage for data breaches and identify losses. 

We also contact proper authorities if there is proof that hackers have obtained sensitive information, such as customer data or bank records. As soon as the breach occurs, we will inform our clients and ask for their collaboration to protect them from further identity theft.

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