How Much Does It Cost To Get Your Taxes Done? 2023 Tax Preparation

Many individuals and businesses seek professional assistance to optimize the cost of getting taxes done in today’s increasingly complex financial landscape. One of the most critical questions on everyone’s mind regarding tax time is, “How much does it cost to get your taxes done?”.

In fact, the average cost for tax preparation is approximately $220. This article will delve deeper into tax preparation fees and explore the factors to consider when seeking professional assistance.

How much does it cost to get your taxes done

How Much Does It Cost To Get Tax Done?

Generally, tax filing cost is contingent upon several factors. Tax professionals offer a diverse array of pricing structures, leading to variations in the overall cost. In fact, the average cost for tax preparation is approximately $220. This figure includes standard 1040 and state returns without itemized deductions.

Form 1040 U.S Tax Return. 

While the national average serves as a helpful reference point, the actual cost is influenced by numerous elements. A professional cost to get taxes done may range from $200 to $600, depending on your specific tax circumstances, geographical location, and chosen billing method. 

Exploring multiple tax preparation firms and inquiries about their respective tax preparation fees is advisable to guarantee the most competitive pricing. Although they may not be able to provide an immediate, precise selection, they can offer a ballpark figure or a price range based on your unique tax situation.

3 Factors Affect Tax Preparation Cost

The return of tax preparation fees is not standardized, with most tax preparers opting for a flat fee per return while others implement an hourly rate. Several factors influence the tax services fees, including the return type, location, and the preparer’s expertise.

See more: What Is Tax Preparer? How To Find The Best Tax Advisor

Type of Return

The type of return filed significantly impacts the tax preparation costs. In 2020, the National Society of Accountants disclosed that the average cost for tax preparation Form 1040 with Schedule A for itemized deductions and a state income tax return amounted to $323. Meanwhile, the average cost for tax preparation Form 1040 with the standard deduction was $220.

Schedule A of Form 1040. 

As additional schedules are incorporated into a return, fees correspondingly increase. Schedule C fees, for instance, averaged $192 for sole proprietors and independent contractors. Reporting capital gains and losses with Schedule D necessitated an extra fee of $118. Schedule E, used to report rental income and losses, added a cost to get taxes done of $145. Consequently, individuals filing returns requiring Schedules A, C, D, and E paid an average of $778. It is worth noting that many preparers raised their fees in 2020.

Geographical location

Geographical location also influences tax filing costs, with considerable variations across the United States. The Southeast boasts the lowest fees, whereas New England and the West Coast see higher rates. Check the Income and Survey fee for details.

Experience of the preparer

Lastly, the preparer’s credentials and experience substantially influence the tax services fees. For example, certified public accountants, and CPAs, typically charge more than enrolled agents or tax advisors.

How Do Tax Preparers Determine The Fees?

Tax professionals employ various pricing strategies to minimize the cost of getting taxes done, such as per-item, perform, or per-hour rates. It is advisable to undertake an annual evaluation of your fees, whether utilizing a singular or mixed pricing model or an alternative approach, in anticipation of tax return season to ensure that you are fairly paid for your tax services fees. 

This proactive step helps to guarantee that you are paying attention to your expertise and hard work. Let’s see five ways that a tax preparer can determine the fees

See more: How To Become A Tax Preparer – A Complete Guide

Fixed Fee for Each Tax Form or Schedule

Tax preparers with this pricing model offer a straightforward flat fee for each form or schedule. The average tax filing cost for filing common forms includes:

  • $323 for Form 1040 with Schedule A and state return
  • $220 for Form 1040 (non-itemized) and state return
  • $192 for Schedule C (business)
  • $118 for Schedule D (gains and losses)
  • $145 for Schedule E (rental)
  • $200 for Schedule F (farm)

Matching Fee from the Previous Year

When working with the same tax advisor annually, they may charge you the same rate as the previous year, potentially increasing the fee if your tax situation becomes more complex.

Minimum Fee Plus Additional Charges for Complex Taxes

Some advisors charge a flat fee, but additional fees may apply to complicated tax situations. It’s essential to inquire about any extra charges beyond the flat rate.

Value-based Fee: Pricing Based on Complexity

Some tax advisors offer value-based fees, which are determined by their perception of the effort required to complete your taxes. While this method can lead to disputes, experienced advisors generally estimate fees that align with the work.

Hourly Rate

When a tax advisor charges by the hour, make sure you know their hourly rate and the estimated time they will spend on your taxes. The average cost for tax preparation fees hourly ranges between $100 and $ 200 per hour, depending on the required tax forms. Avoid a high bill if you can complete your tax in less time.

5 Tips For Cutting The Tax Preparation Fees

Cutting the tax preparation costs may be a confusing problem many people may struggle with. Now let’s explore 5 tips for cutting down on this kind of fee below.

Explore Free Assistance Options

The IRS offers programs such as Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE). These programs provide free tax services fees to those earning $54,000 or less, individuals with disabilities, seniors over 60, and those with limited English proficiency. If you qualify, this can lead to substantial savings.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance. 

Compare Thoughtfully

Consider varying tax preparation fees and billing methods when seeking a tax preparer. In particular, tax preparation costs depend on the professional’s experience and background. Request an upfront estimate, provide last year’s return, and question discrepancies between quotes and final bills.

Examine the Contract

Tax preparers seeking long-term relationships often provide an engagement letter, which helps clients understand their fee structure and potential charges for additional services, such as extra return copies. Labant emphasizes that preparers cannot base their fees on a percentage of their tax refund amount or charge a separate fee for direct depositing their refund through the IRS.

See more: What Is Tax Accounting? Definition, Types, And Examples

Request a Discount if Necessary

While negotiating tax preparation costs is uncommon, asking for a discount under exceptional circumstances is acceptable, says Freeland. If you have experienced a significant life event, such as job loss or the death of a spouse, consider discussing your situation with your tax preparer.

Discount for tax preparation costs. 

Be Prompt and Organized

Tax preparers often increase their fees as the April filing deadline approaches. Submit your documents early to save on tax preparation costs potentially—Freeland notes that prices typically rise after the last week of March. Additionally, remember that the tax preparation costs services depend on the complexity of your return, the number of records, and your level of organization.

4 Benefits Of Hiring A Tax Professional

Professional outsourced tax preparation services are a wise choice for individuals and businesses, offering significant time and financial savings and reduced stress. 


Reclaim Valuable Time

On average, individuals spend over 20 hours each year carefully preparing their tax returns. This substantial time investment could be better spent on more meaningful tasks such as nurturing family relationships or managing a business. Regrettably, even such devoted efforts do not guarantee immunity from IRS audits for those needing more professional tax preparation expertise.

Maximize Savings

Tax preparation professionals stay up-to-date with the constantly evolving tax rules and regulations, ensuring they can secure the highest possible refund for individuals or businesses while maintaining full IRS compliance. Furthermore, they are well-versed in the deductions and credits for which clients may be eligible. Sometimes, tax services fees are tax-deductible, leading to additional savings.

IRS Compliance.

Avoid Costly Errors

In 2018, 80% of taxpayers made mistakes on their tax returns. Such errors can impact the outcome of a refund and invite unwanted attention from the IRS, even if unintentional. A reliable, professional tax preparation costs service can mitigate the risk of errors that may arise when tackling tax filing costs independently.

Enjoy Peace of Mind

Professional tax preparation services allow clients to breathe easy, knowing that their tax returns are being expertly managed with minimal effort. Such services alleviate the stress typically associated with tax season, freeing clients to focus on other aspects of their lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Does Preparation and Filing?

Tax preparation and filing can be done by various professionals and entities, each with different expertise and specializations, such as CPAs and EAs, and so on.

See more: How Much Does A CPA Cost? Tax Preparation For Business Owners

Does geography impact how much the preparer charge?

Of course.Your tax practice’s geographic location can impact your services’ pricing. A noteworthy illustration of this phenomenon is evident in the NSA study, which uncovered substantial regional disparities in the average fee for a Form 1040 with Schedule A and a state return.

In conclusion, have you got the answer to the question, “How much does it cost to get your taxes done?”. The cost to get taxes done varies significantly based on factors such as the complexity of your tax situation, the type of return, the expertise of the tax preparer, and the pricing model they employ. Hopefully, after reading this article, you will know how much cost to do taxes.

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